Telco giant Telstra has asked the government to keep potential reviews of policy surrounding copyright infringement off the table until a court case being heard on the matter is completed.
The US secretary of state Hillary Clinton today signalled how far the US has swung its support behind vice-president Omar Suleiman and the transition process he is leading in Egypt.
The US secretly agreed to give the Russians sensitive information on Britain’s nuclear deterrent to persuade them to sign a key treaty, The Daily Telegraph can disclose.
Bottom-up change may happen, but it still depends on top-down control from corporation and governments to allow it happen. those that control the Internet/communication.
Claiming SSL is not computationally expensive is like saying gas is not expensive when you don’t have to drive to work every day.
If you're new to negotiating or find it difficult, here are some missteps to avoid.
With mandatory Internet filters all but scuttled by the Greens and the Coalition. Stephen Conroy is happy that telcos have been coerced into adopting 'Voluntary' Internet filters.
A leading sushi restaurant chain has admitted it paid some foreign staff as little as $9 an hour, in what workplace experts warn is the tip of a ''massive black economy'' in Australia's hospitality industry.
Factional tensions are rumbling in the Coalition with MPs divided on Tony Abbott's performance during the flood crisis as the Opposition Leader attempts to shrug off an embarrassing fund-raising gaffe.