Category Archives: Email
Have you signed up for a Qantas debit card? No, neither have a lot of people it seems…
I received an email from Qantas trying to flog me their new debit card. The first paragraph got me thinking: “We’ve had so much interest in the exciting new Qantas Card and Qantas Cashâ„¢ that we’ve decided to extend the … Continue reading
We’ve been reading your internet, and you’ve been doing the wrong things
Ah, the joys having a email address published on a web site. All the fun spam you get. I received this email claiming to be from the “Internet Service Provider Consorcium“. With an attached zip file. From: “ICS Monitoring Team” … Continue reading
Fake perl in oyster, read all about it
As it happens there is a man selling Sydney Rock Oysters laced with Viagra. His idea was to produce a super aphrodisiac. Perhaps a smart marketing move, unfortunately the same can’t be said about his Internet usage. He has been … Continue reading
Why would Hormel Foods name its product after junk email?
Hormel Foods, the producer of the canned pork product Spam is trying to stop the dilution of its product name. It doesn’t mind too much that “spam” has become a colloquial term referring to junk email. What it objects to … Continue reading
Incase or In Case ?
I have seen a number of people write incase when they really mean in case. What’s the difference? Incase refers to being enclosed within. Like “Incase that penguin in ice”. Also spelt encase. Where as in case refers to doing … Continue reading
What happened to salearn?
As a displacement activity to studying I decided to train SpamAssassin with the last few months of spam email. Uploaded the mailbox of spam to the server and entered the command salearn and got the error salearn: command not found. … Continue reading
Turn off HTML in email -HOWTO
I prefer not to receive email sent as html. After explaining to people too many times why you should use plain text rather than html email I decided to write it up as a document. Below is a link to … Continue reading