Tag Archives: word

Algie computing (definition)

algie computing / algae computing / noun: Where a software project grows to consume all resources in your computing pool if left unchecked. Continue reading

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e-waist (definition)

e-waist / e waist / noun: Someone’s middle that has expanded due to the over use of technology. Often caused by too much office work. “Fred realised his e-waist was generated by sitting behind a desk at the computer all … Continue reading

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Irate Pirate vs. I Rate Pirate (definition)

Irate Pirate \ noun: The label given to very angry pirates. Often characterised by more cursing and waving of swords, flintlock Pistols, and other object than usual. “The pirate staggered into the tavern. Cursed at avery second person they passed, … Continue reading

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Steinography (definition)

steinography / steinography / noun: The art of concealing and transmitting messages in German beer mugs. “Agent P, your contact will be at the German pub. Prepare for some steinography.”

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Cryptoecurrency (definition)

Cryptoecurrency (or Crypt toe currency)\ noun:A currency used by grave robbers, necromancers, and other denizens of graveyards. Mostly comprised of toes collected from dead bodies.

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I browse recipes vs. Eyebrows recipes

When your cooking ideas just go the wrong way Continue reading

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Politicians line up to donate words to Charles Firth’s Museum

Recent news coverage about Charles Firth’s Museum of Words has reached the parliaments of Australia, and he has scored somewhat of a coup. While The Guardian see the museum as a failed stunt, many politicians are lining up to loan … Continue reading

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trickle treat (definition)

trickle treat \ trickle treat \ verb: When Halloween lollies are only handed out a little bit at a time.

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conservatopia (definition)

conservatopia \ con·serv·a·to·pia \ noun: An imagined place or state where nothing ever changes. A place that suffers of newmonia often wished they were.

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newmonia (definition)

newmonia \ neu·moh·nee·uh \ noun: A medical condition where suffers feel the need to complain about all the new things they encounter.

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