Tag Archives: filter

links for 2011-04-13

Google Clarifies URL Shortening’s Impact on SEO | Search Engine Journal As social search has become more important, so has understanding how SEO works for shared links. In a new Google Webmaster Help video, Google’s Matt Cutts explains exactly how … Continue reading

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I love the smell of filters in the morning

The current attitude by the Australian government about the Internet filter is a worry. A self righteous disdain for anybody else’s opinion. Or the collateral damage that they will cause. Reminds me of the Lieutenant Colonel from Apocalypse Now, who … Continue reading

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Somebody think of the children, Rudd & Conroy

In the current debate Rudd and Conroy seem to just keep churning out the same statements about the internet filters, despite what anybody says. Childish really.

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Oh, my, what big filters you have Grandma Conroy

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And on the 8th day…

And on the 8th day God created the Internet Filter. Commanding ‘Thou shall have no other Internet before me’.

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Conroy’s Christmas present, Internet censorship #nocleanfeed

Stephen Conroy has delivered his Christmas present early, ISP level Internet filter. Tuesday afternoon the government announced that was giving the green light to its controversial censorship plan. And Conroy stated that we can look forward to legislation being introduced … Continue reading

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Conroy backtracks on Internet Censorship policy

Australian politician Stephen Conroy has begun distancing himself from his highly controversial internet censorship policy. Although this is not a complete backdown. There still the intention to implement a list of filtered sites, just changing what is deemed to be … Continue reading

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OZ Internet filters insufficient to filter politicians

Parents are worried about their children looking at the Australian Prime Minister’s or Oppositions Leader’s web site, when they should be finding out about pop stars. Worried about the bad influence this could have, their children growing up to be … Continue reading

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Children’s welfare groups slam net filters

Support for the Govt’s plan to censor the internet has hit rock bottom, with even some children’s welfare groups now saying that that the mandatory filters, aimed squarely at protecting kids, are ineffective and a waste of money. The filters, … Continue reading

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Internet Censorship in Australia – Getup and do something!

Federal Minister for Communications Stephen Conroy is trying to implement mandatory filtering of the internet amid public outcry. Online “activists” at Getup have organised a campaign that has received over 22,000 signatures in just one day, in an attempt to … Continue reading

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