Category Archives: General
Happy New Year from Robot Tiger (cartoon)
A friendly robot tiger waves hello for the new year. (Of course, that is the wrong Chinese new year, and I should have draw a Rabbit.)
Nothing interesting here
There is nothing interesting here today. Please check back tomorrow for more social commentary.
A shorter long weekend
This weekend in New South Wales is a long weekend. Monday is a public holiday, Labour Day. But it is also the start of Daylight saving. So, our long weekend is actually one hour shorter.
Odd Spot #538: Christmas crackers every month
Around 50% of the population may already know this. But for the other 50% here is a weird fact I just learnt. Women using Fleur sanitary pads get Christmas crackers every month. You see, not only do you get a … Continue reading
Lambenting about Australia Day
Watching tennis this week I think I’ve had enough of the serve by Sam Kekovich. All that lambenting about Australia Day. In past years vegetarians and Cronulla rioters copped the flank. This year Sam racked up some more insulted parties, … Continue reading
MSG @ Home
One must understand that this cause and effect relationship is speculation… After dinner last night I got wavy lines in my vision, my vision then went very blurry on one side, and later on me head felt filled with cotton … Continue reading
White rabbit, White rabbit, White rabbit
And a Happy New Year to everyone. Being +1100 GMT we get a head start on most people here in Sydney. 🙂 References FYI: White Rabbit – Has info about the saying
Chocolate Pizza Cake
Went to a social event at Gourmet Pizza Kitchen in Chatswood tonight. And it definitely has fancy pizzas. I wasn’t involved in the ordering process, so I don’t know all the names of the pizzas, but with 10 people there … Continue reading
Your rights at work have been hocked
Why hasn’t anybody come up with this as a slogan yet?