Category Archives: Baby

Baby related posts

What do pirate babys say? wAARRRRRRR

A friend’s recent baby prompted me to think about the sound they make. Aren’t all newborns really just pirates in disguise? wAARRRRRRRrrrrrrrr….

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What do you use for baby showers?

A friend had a baby show today, and I was supposed to send advice. Feeling I had already made some suggestions I drew this as a bit of comedic relief.

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And the bank said “Go home and procreate”

Japan’s largest banking group says ‘Go home and procreate’. Taking the government directive to boost the population seriously, management at Mitsubishi UFJ sent staff an email telling them to go home at 5:10pm rather than the usual 7pm. The idea … Continue reading

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A supermarket aisle to marvel at

Noticed this sign at the end of an aisle in Coles at Broadway shopping centre. Perhaps it is a sign of things you will need together. ie. if you eat too much canned fish, Mexican and Asian food, you will … Continue reading

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Not too young for deodorant?

How young is too young for girls to use deodorant? In a supermarket the other day I noticed these ‘perfumed body spray’s, right next adult deodorant. Obviously they are aimed at young girls via the Bratz brand. Do young girls … Continue reading

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Playground for little kids or big kids?

Camperdown Memorial park children’s playground is in disrepair. From the pile of empty bottles outside the playground it looks as if there was a party in the playground. And a rowdy one at that. The lock on the gate is … Continue reading

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Prams put squeeze on Sydney buses

There is a baby boom in Sydney at the moment, most apparent in inner city suburbs. But state public transport system is failing new parents with prams. New policies by State Transit are making it harder to use the service, … Continue reading

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LEGMO, playing with the building blocks of (plastic) life

Building Lego ducks for my child I ran out of appropriate blocks. Desperate to complete the project, as any Lego mad scientist would do, I chose to opt for a hybrid animal. Using pieces from the farm set, cow genes … Continue reading

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Mattel recalls more toys in Chinese lead paint alert

THOUSANDS more toys are being pulled from Australian shelves as an international investigation delves deeper into China’s disgraced manufacturing industry. In a recorded statement, Mattel’s Australian marketing director, Julie Kearns, said the company had been testing toys since the paint … Continue reading

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Thirty truths for young dads

“IT’S FATHER’S DAY tomorrow and, while fathers of all ages deserve praise and acclamation, we should raise a special cheer for the nation’s more recent dads.” A humorous list of 30 changes in their lives new fathers may recognise. (SMH, … Continue reading

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