Tag Archives: Baby
What do pirate babys say? wAARRRRRRR
A friend’s recent baby prompted me to think about the sound they make. Aren’t all newborns really just pirates in disguise? wAARRRRRRRrrrrrrrr….
What do you use for baby showers?
A friend had a baby show today, and I was supposed to send advice. Feeling I had already made some suggestions I drew this as a bit of comedic relief.
Prams put squeeze on Sydney buses
There is a baby boom in Sydney at the moment, most apparent in inner city suburbs. But state public transport system is failing new parents with prams. New policies by State Transit are making it harder to use the service, … Continue reading
Inner city kiddom
There is a current baby boom in inner city Sydney. And it is putting strain on the resources that weren’t expecting it. Just ask RPA who down sized their labour ward before the boom. If you walk around Newtown you … Continue reading
Beam up all the ‘tarnas
I know a baby that has recently discovered sultanas, or ‘tanats‘ as they are called. It seems Sunbeam has found bits of metal in some of its dried foods recently and is doing a product recall. Guess which company packages … Continue reading
Older model babysitter
Found this on a community noticeboard. Reliable maybe and not too expensive, but don’t let them teach your kid English.
NASA accelerates the entrance of babies into the astronaut program, because in space no one can hear you scream. (This will make more sense to people who have small children)