Category Archives: Games

Computer games and like, as opposed to RPGs

Caution! Portal floor cleaning in progress!

When warning signs go up to for floor cleaning, often they are just to make you aware of the dangers of slippery floors. Where as, this one for Portal floor cleaning warns not to step too close, or you might … Continue reading

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Has the Subscriber Agreement printing run out of Steam?

Just updated Steam on my Mac, and on relaunch I get this ‘nice’ Steam Subscriber Agreement notice that I need to agree to before continuing further. Not wanting to try reading the whole agreement in white text on a black/grey … Continue reading

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Can’t go outside mum, the neighbours look angry

Look mum, I know I promised to go outside today and do some planting… …but the neighbours look a bit angry. And I really don’t want them to blow up at me! Some funny screen captures from Minecraft. Click for … Continue reading

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Minecraft login failed! Has my account been hacked? Try updating Minecraft

I have been trying Minecraft since last year and I just started getting login errors this week. You open Minecraft, enter your Username and Password, then get the Login failed window. Searching Google for this problem I came up with … Continue reading

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Michael Keaton in StarCraft II?

Has anyone else noticed that the face staring out the StarCraft II box looks a lot like Michael Keaton? No, is seem not. Searching Google only found one other mention of this. Maybe everyone else is just too interested in … Continue reading

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StarCraft2 Beta & StarCraft on Intel Macs

Recently read on a tweet that Blizzard are looking for people to Beta test StarCraft 2. Seems nice. You have to login to Battle.Net, and tick an ‘opt me into beta testing’ box. But I can’t seem to remember what … Continue reading

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Censoring the censorship debate in Australia

The introduction of an R18+ rating for computer games has been delayed indefinitely after South Australian Attorney-General Michael Atkinson withdrew his support for a discussion paper and public consultation process. Mr Atkinson has refused to allow the release of the … Continue reading

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This is one very sick game

A fantasy plague that accidentally ran amok in the internet’s most popular game world, populated by nine million flesh-and-blood players, may help scientists predict the impact of genuine epidemics, according to a study released Tuesday. World of Warcraft is being … Continue reading

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Stuck in a web game

Having just finished all my Uni assignments I have a lot more free time now, and a need to de-stress. So what do I do that doesn’t require too much brain power and is not important? Someone pointed me in … Continue reading

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N, nolonger just a letter

Having a bit of a read/edit of wikipedia today and found N. More than just a letter, ‘N’ is a Load Runner esk game written in Flash. With 3 keys you control a ninja, running, jumping and climbing your way … Continue reading

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