Category Archives: Wikipedia

Wikipedia the free enclyopedia

Pruning wiki users, is there an extension for that?

If you manage any wiki you know that spamers love them. They just drop by, register a new users, and add some link spam. Now, there is an extension for MediaWiki wikis to remove all the spam pages, Nuke. But … Continue reading

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Australian RPG conventions at Wikipedia

Due to the all but complete lack of Australian conventions on the Wikipedia Gaming convention page (only 1 convention listed), I have added all the other roleplaying conventions in Australia I know of (another 14). Only question is, does CanCon … Continue reading

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Holy foreskin batman…

The weird things you came across when randomly browsing through Wikipedia. This can go in the list of Wikipedia pages that you probably don’t need to read: Holy_Foreskin – Wikipedia

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N, nolonger just a letter

Having a bit of a read/edit of wikipedia today and found N. More than just a letter, ‘N’ is a Load Runner esk game written in Flash. With 3 keys you control a ninja, running, jumping and climbing your way … Continue reading

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