Tag Archives: twitter

Twitter Tools causing my blog to hang on post

I apologise to all those people having to deal with my/their twitter stream being spammed. Was having a problem with the blog hanging on posting a new entry. And needed to do some testing. From all my testing I can … Continue reading

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links for 2011-05-05

Interesting World: Man Unwittingly Live Tweets Raid That Killed Osama Bin Laden | Techdirt Raid it tweeted live. (tags: twitter raid live OsamaBinLaden ReallyVirtual TechDirt MikeMasnick) Why The Copyright Industry Isn’t a Legitimate Stakeholder in Copyright | TorrentFreak When the … Continue reading

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links for 2011-04-17

ORG Zine | The copyright battle in Australia There’s little sign that the global copyright war will let up any time soon. Wherever you go, the content industries are working hard to secure stronger “protections” for intellectual property and tougher … Continue reading

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links for 2011-03-22

Robot Suits Transform Humans Into Super Strong Cyborgs | Fast Company Cyberdine has just shown the next iteration of its HAL robots–strap-on exoskeletons that boost the user's strength with electric motors. Could they be used after the next large-scale disaster? … Continue reading

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links for 2011-03-21

It's not over yet, that's AFACT – Twisted Wire – Blogs While there have been lofty discussions about who was right and who was wrong in the court stoush between the Australian Federation Against Copyright Theft (AFACT) and iiNet, it … Continue reading

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links for 2011-03-14

U.S. Government Wins Access to Twitter Accounts of WikiLeaks Supporters A federal judge today granted the U.S. government access to the Twitter accounts of three of WikiLeaks’s strongest supporters. (tags: USA government WikiLeaks court TheresaBuchanan DepartmentofJustice Twitter BirgittaJonsdottir RopGongrijp JacobAppelbaum … Continue reading

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links for 2011-03-01

Fake Social Media Army Used To Sway Public Opinion | Gizmodo Australia The US Government has been caught red-handed in the war against public opinion. Leaked emails reveal how the United States Government hired private contractor HBGary to create an … Continue reading

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New dumpling fish, or testing iPhone twitter

Testing out iPhone Apps for taking pictures, uploading them somewhere, and posting a link to twitter. Camera+ uploads to flicker (see photo on the right). But if you want to post to twitter it uses its own photo site. Which … Continue reading

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Trending Topics Mash (20091116)

Have not done a Trending Topics Mash for a while. So her is one today I Have Never Used New Moon in Modern Warfare 2 on Dravid, Although #theresway2many #wherethehellyoubeen for #musicmonday Goodnight #TTMash (permalink, image)

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Are you a twit about trends?

With the recent death of Molly Sugden, twitter has been abuzz with tribute tweats to her. The hash tag being used is #MrsSlocombesPussy which, as you can see, displays no search results. Although, without the hash, MrsSlocombesPussy displays a list … Continue reading

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