Tag Archives: Open Internet

Ludlam, come to the dark side of the Farce (cartoon)

A cartoon inspired by the appearance of Clive Hamilton on the Four Corners episode last week. Maybe it was before I fixed the aspect ratio in iView, but Clive reminded me of the Emperor from Star Wars.

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This cartoon has been classified RC

The term RC keeps getting rolled out when referring to what the filters will block. But what does RC actually stand for? Rudd and Conroy.

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I love the smell of filters in the morning

The current attitude by the Australian government about the Internet filter is a worry. A self righteous disdain for anybody else’s opinion. Or the collateral damage that they will cause. Reminds me of the Lieutenant Colonel from Apocalypse Now, who … Continue reading

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Somebody think of the children, Rudd & Conroy

In the current debate Rudd and Conroy seem to just keep churning out the same statements about the internet filters, despite what anybody says. Childish really.

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Oh, my, what big filters you have Grandma Conroy

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HHGG – RC Sensitive Sunglasses

Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy Entry: RC Sensitive Sunglasses Description: Eye wear proscribed by the Australian Government, designed to go black, preventing ‘inadvertent exposure’. Always keep your cool when viewing the Internet.

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Conroy’s Christmas present, Internet censorship #nocleanfeed

Stephen Conroy has delivered his Christmas present early, ISP level Internet filter. Tuesday afternoon the government announced that was giving the green light to its controversial censorship plan. And Conroy stated that we can look forward to legislation being introduced … Continue reading

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