The Australian censorship system blanches most consistently not at violence, but at sex. Torturing people to death presents relatively little problem to the censors. But dare to show actual sex on film or in print? Unless it's animal copulation of the non-human kind, its sale is banned in every state.
compare and contrast Harry Potter and Star Wars
links for 2011-06-28
Ask STA about busses to Balmain between 8 and 9 am
Arriving for a bus to Balmain behind the QVB this morning I found a mass of other people also waiting (as you can see from the photo, with even more behind me).
While it can be expected that many people want to catch a bus in the morning, waiting 30 minutes between them is rather mad.
You can just make out in this photo, sitting on the left in his fluro yellow vest, a man from the State Transit Authority (STA).
It seems STA has sent someone down to record bus check-in times after getting a lot of complaints. Looking at his list I could see there were a number of buses up to 20 minutes late. And the 442 due at 8:20 hadn’t been seen.
He recognised that there was a problem with buses going to Balmain in the morning. With the hour between 8 and 9 am being the worst.
A problem with congestion in York St. Buses trying to turn left into Park St. Other bus companies also wanting to use the space. Not to mention the problem of getting all the stakeholders to agree on what to do (including the RTA).
Now we can just hope that someone acts on the figures recorded.
links for 2011-06-16
A piece of string walks in to a bar. The bouncer at the door looks at the piece of string and says I'm sorry we don't serve string here. You'll have to go
A piece of string walks into a bar… (joke)

Photo credit chidsey
A piece of string walks in to a bar. The bouncer at the door looks at the piece of string and says “I’m sorry we don’t serve string here. You’ll have to go somewhere else.”
The piece of string is quite disappointed, and walks off round the corner. Not to be deterred, it ruffles its ends and ties a knot in its middle.
Walking in to the bar again the bouncer eyes it suspiciously and asks “Are you that piece of string I saw earlier?”
To which it replies “I’m a frayed not”.
100 contacts on LinkedIn, how 1337
Got my 100th contact on LinkedIn. Oh, how 1337.
(For those not in the know, replace the numbers with letters and you get ‘Leet‘)

A bit of synchronicity?
links for 2011-06-03
Finished shopping at IKEA? Hand over your 50 cents, and receive a cone and token to feed the machine. Then watch the self serve soft serve go to work.
Excitement is growing in the Northern England town of Huddlesfield following news that local atheist Donald Chapman saw an image of the Big-Bang in a piece of toast. In an exclusive interview with "The Huddlesfield Express" Chapman, 36, explained that he was sitting down to eat breakfast when an unusual toast pattern caught his eye.
Ikea-ce Cream (photo)
Finished shopping at IKEA? Hand over your 50 cents, and receive a cone and token to feed the machine. Then watch the self serve soft serve go to work.
links for 2011-06-02
Telcos will be forbidden from using advertising terms such as "cap" and be forced to implement supermarket-style unit pricing and new measures to prevent bill shock under strict new regulations recommended by the communications regulator.
The last nine Borders stores in Australia will be closed after no buyers could be found for the debt-laden bookselling chain, the administrator announced today.
Why Australians pay double the US price. And how online retail will level the global price playing field.
links for 2011-05-30
Big tobacco companies are fighting the plain packaging rules. There are many arguments they put forward, but are they worried about competition from other sectors? An interesting article by Ross Gittins.