Waiting at table infinity.
I hope we aren’t served in numerical order!
Robot Nerd 1.0 (cartoon)
Say hi to robot nerd. Here is version 1.0. I’m going to add some more detail and colour it in for version 2.0. 🙂
Bacon a cake for @RenaiLeMay (for earlier this week) #cartoon
Here is a cartoon I cooked up for Renai LeMay’s birthday.
Hope you had a good one.
Or should I say “Happy Baconthday” ? 🙂
Hold on, that’s a thong (photo)
In Australia they’re called thongs, though elsewhere people call them flip-flops, but, did we really need a vending machine of them?
(Spotted in The Galleries Victoria, Sydney)
2:01 AM v1.0 and counting…
This post should appear at 2:01 AM.
But will it appear twice?
Or maybe be tweeted twice?
At 3:00 AM daylight saving ends today in Eastern Australia. And time is wound back to 2:00 AM.
So this is a test to see what happens when the clock is wound back.. And if my blog automatically adjusts.
This afternoon’s weather justified carrying round an unbrella all day (photo)
The massive downpour this afternoon easily justified carrying round an umbrella all morning. Just before 1pm there were a few drops, and then the rain bucketed down. Turning gutters into rivers, overflowing onto footpaths when cars went past. And by 3pm the skys were calm again.
Electrolux new power razor, for that stubborn beard (photo)
Leaving the building I noticed this box waiting for someone to collect it. And was slightly shocked. I didn’t realise that Electrolux had gone into the power razor business!
But what a razor it must be, coming in a box that big. How many different accessories must there be?
Or is it just the giant size model for the bigger man, with an extra stubborn beard?
Robot (unfinished) (cartoon)
A robot waiting for its arm to be finished, the connecting cables just dangling.
(One of my recent experiments into producing coloured cartoons.)