Tag Archives: bus stop
Sheltering from the rain, while waiting for a bus to Balmain (photo)
In the downpour this morning (around 8:30am) masses huddled under the awing behind the Queen Victoria Building waiting for a 441 or 442 to Balmain. Unfortunately there had been an three car accident on the Anzac bridge causing traffic delays. … Continue reading
Masses need transport to escape a cold, wet Sydney CBD
Today has been a very wet day in Sydney. This morning you almost needed a bathysphere to go outside. This afternoon, as the masses tried to leave the city, queues of wet people cramed onto buses.
Surf while you wait at Chatswood bus stop
Find yourself in Chatswood and need to access the Internet? Just stop by this bus stop and download a little. Actually, I have no idea how good the WiFi on this bus stop is, but I thought it was an … Continue reading