Tag Archives: sketch
Why are zombies so popular…
Recently, it seems, zombies have been popular, both in fiction and non-fiction. And it is interesting to see where the two converge. I’ve just finished Patient Zero by Jonathan Maberry. A well paced book centred around a secret task force … Continue reading
chk chk boom
Inspired by the recent Sydney meme, here is today’s cartoon.
Welcome to Melbourne – Biohazard Zone
SBS reports that Melbourne has been declared ‘swine flu capital of the world‘. With 874 reported cases of H1N1, Melbourne has twice the prevelance of Mexico. That is a swine flue cases at 1 to 9,139 in Victoria, and at … Continue reading
Been practising drawing tubs of Yoghurt recently. Why you might ask? Well I have an idea for a T-shirt that requires one. Been thinking of putting up a CafePress site of T-shirts, just need to get round to drawing the … Continue reading