Yesterday I received the usual email with a summary of domain name news. Though the response about one of the articles was more interesting.
au: Industry Code of Practice to make internet a safer place for children [news release]
The Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy, Senator Stephen Conroy, today welcomed the release of the Content Services Code, a new industry code of practice for providers of online and mobile phone content. The new code was approved by the Australian Communications and Media Authority on 10 July 2008.
If you clicked on the first link you got a page displaying the following message:
Access Denied
Access Denied by security policy
The security policy for your network prevents your request from being allowed at this time. Please contact your administrator if you feel this is incorrect.
Possibly a sample of future access denied error messages?
Looks like someone needed to look at their own network policy 🙂
It seems to have been fixed now, so for those people who missed out on seeing the error, here is a screen capture: