Ah, the joys having a email address published on a web site. All the fun spam you get.
I received this email claiming to be from the “Internet Service Provider Consorcium“. With an attached zip file.
From: “ICS Monitoring Team” <address@removed.to.protect.the.spoofed>
To: “client” <my@address>
Subject: Your internet access is going to get suspendedYour internet access is going to get suspended
The Internet Service Provider Consorcium was made to protect the rights of software authors, artists.
We conduct regular wiretapping on our networks, to monitor criminal acts.We are aware of your illegal activities on the internet wich were originating from
You can check the report of your activities in the past 6 month that we have attached. We strongly advise you to stop your activities regarding the illegal downloading of copyrighted material of your internet access will be suspended.
ICS Monitoring Team
Pity they can’t spell Consortium. Their grammar needs some work. And shouldn’t their acronym be ‘ISPC’ not ‘ICS’?
I wonder when scammers will start to work on their spelling and grammar? Though, it must work for them to continue trying. I suppose most people just skim their email, so spelling mistakes are missed. And once they get the just of this one, they are too worried to notice.
Have a read of what other people are saying about this scam:
Thanks for the pingback.
I’m glad I’m not the only one – and heck, at first even I was a little bit worried – but more because I don’t download movies and music.
In a way I’m glad spammers can’t write English well – makes it easier to pick them out. 🙂