Home Gruen

The Gruen Transfer started again on the ABC last Wednesday. As a result the Sydney Morning Herald had a number of articles on it. And reading Adversarial ad men (SMH, 17 March2009) confirmed a feeling that I got last year about the show.

While in Japan I had a couple of long bus rides. Needing something to fill the time, I loaded my iPod up with vodcasts of the show before hand. Watching a number of episodes back to back I got to see the formula that developed in the show.

One of the more interesting aspects was to see the ‘good cop/bad cop’ routine that developed between Todd Sampson and Russel Howcroft. Both pushing different ideologies, but coming to a similar point end result. And it was nice to know that it was not just me that saw this happening.

Some of the other articles:

So, what is a Gruen Transfer you ask?

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