Now that the Australian Dollar is doing well, about US$0.92 to the AU$, it seems like the perfect time to buy all the stuff I wanted overseas. The only problem is, what did I really need? And all the recent upheaval in world finances had made me thing: Do I really need it?
The dilemma of the strong Australian dollar: buy now or wait for it to get stronger? As the current predictions are that it will go over US$1.00 in the beginning of next year.
So, are you going to buy all you Christmas presents from online retailers rather than local stores this year?
- Buy overseas tip as Australia slips on iPod index (Asher Moses, SMH, 19 October 2009)
- Strong Australian Dollar (Whirlpool, 13 October 2009)
- Stronger Australian dollar means more discounts in battle for sales Art (Paddy Hintz, CourierMail, 2 October 2009)