Whenever the U.S. Government wants to demonize a person or group in order to justify attacks on them, it follows the same playbook: it manufactures falsehoods about them, baselessly warns that they pose Grave Dangers and are severely harming our National Security, peppers all that with personality smears to render the targeted individuals repellent on a personal level, and feeds it all to the establishment American media, which then dutifully amplifies and mindlessly disseminates it all.
The Retail Coalition that is campaigning to have the Government abolish the GST exemption on purchases made overseas has an unlikely new member – domain name reseller and web hosting firm Netregistry.
Retailers are split over a campaign to force the Federal Government to impose the GST on overseas purchases online.It was supposed to be a simple pitch about keeping Australians in work, but some retailers are calling the campaign an unmitigated disaster.
Floods that swept through Australia this month have caused incredible destruction. But one man made the best of a terrible situation and filmed this eerie trip through a flooded McDonald's via canoe in Brisbane, Australia.