Category Archives: Roleplaying
Roleplaying Games, Conventions, Cubs and Websites
Necronomicon 13, 2001 photos @ flickr
I have just uploaded 6 mosaics of my Necronomicon 13, 2001 photos to flickr. In the future, when I have the time and inclination, I’ll add all individual photos to flickr. In the mean time you can see them all … Continue reading →
Necronomicon 2007 is dead, long live Necronomicon
There is now no roleplaying convention running in Sydney this Easter. According to the email I received from an organiser, Necronomicon cannot run as the venue, Newtown High School, is unavailable. Date: Sun, 25 Mar 2007 08:51:22 +1000 From: “Dion … Continue reading →
Things not to do in an rpg…
I was recently reading a blog post of things not to do in a roleplaying game, Things Mr. Welch can no longer do in an RPG 501-950 (2006-11-28 21:36:00). There are some items that are quite funny. My favourite being: … Continue reading →
More Maccon photos at flickr
Here are some more photos I took at MacquarieCon prize giving. These photos have also been added to the Australian RPG Conventions [1] group on flickr.
Australian RPG Conventions at flickr
Having recently started to upload MacquarieCon photos to flicker I went looking for a flickr group of Australian roleplaying conventions, or any group with photos from role playing games in Australia. Finding no group with appropriate content I decided to … Continue reading →
Photos of Maccon at flickr
I have started uploading photos I took at MacquarieCon to flickr. Interesting as a con, a more in depth review later. Here are thumbnails of images uploaded so far: –
Australian RPG conventions at Wikipedia
Due to the all but complete lack of Australian conventions on the Wikipedia Gaming convention page (only 1 convention listed), I have added all the other roleplaying conventions in Australia I know of (another 14). Only question is, does CanCon … Continue reading →
What Mythological Creature Are You?
More displacement activities to chew up your time. Do you see your self as a mythological creature? If so Blogthings has a quiz to see if you see yourself correctly. 🙂 You Are a Pegasus You are a perfectionist, with … Continue reading →
Adopt a Battle Imp
More playing with GameWyrd. Discovered this Adopt a Battle Imp thing. Interesting that is creates stats for the Imp based upon what name you give it. It even works with random and non alphabetical characters. Here are some examples: @@@@@@@’s … Continue reading →
The RPG Cynic
Feeling like a cynic? Joined GameWyrd and found they have an interesting RPG Cynic’s Quest. Have you been gaming for too long and can see everything coming? So you can have a laugh here are my results: Cynic’s Quest The … Continue reading →