Last Thursday, German news channel N24 was discussing how the Navy’s SEAL Team Six participated in the mission to kill Osama Bin Laden. The report started out normal, but an image search snafu took the broadcast to the final frontier.
links for 2011-05-10
Harry’s Cafe sans Wheels
The original Harry’s Cafe de Wheels is down on the wharf at Woolloomooloo. And there are now a number of franchises.
It should be noted, thought, that the one in Haymarket is quite devoid of wheels. Perhaps best then labelled Harry’s Cafe sans Wheels?
Their pies are still quite good.
Photos of Free Comic Book Day 2011
For Free Comic Book Day this year I visited Kings Comics and Kinokuniya. Kinokuniya seemed to be more packed, and there were many people dressed up in cosplay. Kings Comics was also well attended.
links for 2011-05-05
Raid it tweeted live.
When the copyright monopoly and its future development is discussed, parties called “stakeholders†are frequently invited to discuss its wording and principles. Yet, current lawmakers have forgotten the reason the monopoly exists in the first place.
A possible landmark ruling in one of the mass-BitTorrent lawsuits in the U.S. may spell the end of the “pay-up-or-else-schemes†that have targeted over 100,000 Internet users in the last year. District Court Judge Harold Baker has denied a copyright holder the right to subpoena the ISPs of alleged copyright infringers, because an IP-address does not equal a person.
EFF recently received documents from the FBI that reveal details about the depth of the agency’s electronic surveillance capabilities and call into question the FBI’s controversial effort to push Congress to expand the Communications Assistance to Law Enforcement Act (CALEA) for greater access to communications data. The documents we received were sent to us in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request we filed back in 2007 after Wired reported on evidence that the FBI was able to use “secret spyware†to track the source of e-mailed bomb threats against a Washington state high school.
links for 2011-05-04
US video game titan Electronic Arts (EA) is buying the Australian mobile game maker behind hit titles Flight Control and Real Racing for play on iPhones or iPads.
These inadvertently erotic billboards spotted outside various places of worship look like the work of some extremely naive — or severely repressed — church employees. Luckily, those of us who’ve already double-stamped our tickets to Hell are physically incapable of overlooking a dick joke. Here are some of our favorite cases of “That’s what He said.”
French planes have started dropping bomb-shaped chunks of concrete instead of actual bombs on Muammar Qadaffi’s tanks in Libya. The idea is that a 600-pound concrete training bomb, dropped from thousands of feet up, can crush a tank without creating a huge explosion that kills a lot of people.
A logo is the graphic representation of a brand, but for these companies, “graphic” is an understatement. It’s actually pretty remarkable how many of these unsubtle innuendos slipped past the companies who approved them.
links for 2011-05-03
Got enemies on Facebook? Facebook is so eager to protect copyright that the mere accusation of copyright infringement is enough to get an account locked. Ars found this out the hard way Thursday morning when our own Facebook page became inaccessible, with no warning, no explanation, and no clear appeal process.
links for 2011-04-28
A group of Facebook shareholders is seeking to offload $US1 billion worth of shares on the secondary market, a sale that would value the company at more than $US70 billion, according to five sources with direct knowledge of the situation.
In a move that’s certain to set sci-fi and action film fan’s pulses racing, Warner Brothers has announced award winning sci-fi director, Michael Bay, to head production in the long awaited prequel to Ridley Scott’s cyberpunk classic.
Shoppers in Sydney should get ready as a plethora of high-profile international retailers including Topshop from Britain and Uniqlo from Japan are preparing to open up new stores. (How many brand names can you get into one story?)
Petition to @clarencehouse to lift the ban on the #chaser’s royal wedding coverage.
Yahoo see Delicious to the YouTube founders Chad Hurley and Steve Chen of AVOSÂ .
The ABC has been forced to cancel Friday night’s alternative coverage of the Royal Wedding by The Chaser on ABC2 after a ruling from the office of the Royal Family.
links for 2011-04-27
The long tale about who owns what bit of Facebook.
The head of Google’s search evaluation team shakes his head dismissively at the idea of anyone thinking the firm’s winning internet-sifting formula is completed.
Hyde your Easter Egg (cartoon)
Perhaps not what you are supposed to do to your children’s Easter eggs. Or something for the big kids.
(backposted because I didn’t get a chance to post it at the time)
He had an outbreak of tornadoes
“He had an out break of tornadoes”
Drawn in response to a tweet by SBS news “The number of twisters from US tornado outbreak may be a record setter“, which makes the tornadoes sound like an infectious disease.
Quick, send in Dustan Hoffman!