Innerwest’s lights punched out by Energy Australia

Last night a number of suburbs had their light turned off at a quarter to five. And not by choice. It appears that some Energy Australia workers were ‘tinkering with’ the network in St Peters and ‘a fault occurred’ causing loss of power to 8 suburbs.

Power was lost in Enmore, Erskinville, Dulwich Hill, Marrickville, Newtown, Petersham, St Peters, and Stanmore to homes, shops and streetlights for about 1 hour. Though some places, like parts of Stanmore, took an extra half hour to see power return. Around 10,000 homes and businesses were affected according to news reports.

Shops had to close and people were ushered out of the Dendy cinema. But the beer in pubs kept flowing due the use of pressure rather than electricity.

Energy Australia spokesperson Kylie Yates tried to explain away the fault. But it would have been better if not caused in the first place.

Reminds me of a time a few years ago where the was a series of blackouts across Sydney caused by bushfires near power lines south of Sydney. Clouds of ash were causing the the lines to short.

Rolling blackouts are lots of fun when doing things in IT. Just remember to save often. 🙂


  1. Darkness the new black in inner suburbs (SMH, 23 July 2007)
  2. Newtown the latest victim in Sydney’s spate of blackouts (NineMSN, 23 July 2007)
  3. Power out on Sunday (Innerwest Angst, 23 July 2007)
  4. Energy Crisis (nysa, 22 July 2007)
  5. Technology is a btich (Miss Pedantic, 22 July 2007)
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