Category Archives: Web sites
It’s not easy being green
In the world of the eco friendly do you find that it isn’t easy being green? Are there too many rules to remember? The theme of round 2 of he Iron Webmaster competition is ‘Go Green‘. With a push for … Continue reading
Iron-on Webmaster
As a promotional device WebRing has decided to run a Iron Webmaster competition. Intended to be like the Iron Chef TV show, contestants are given a series of specifications and asked to whip up a website in a number of … Continue reading
Where is your Australian Passport advice?
Looking up information about Australian passports the other day I noticed the following sponsored link. The URL listed looked wrong to me. Australia doesn’t allow domains straight on the ‘.au’, only as second level domains. There is no But … Continue reading is a scam!
I just got 3 messages from one of my MSN contacts, all URL that redirect to A site that wants your username and password so that “Our system will login with this information and learn who has blocked you“. … Continue reading
AvP R – Australia, the other English
Looking at the Aliens vs Predator: Requiem site tonight it was interesting to see that there are three types of English: North American, Outside North American, and Australian. So what is the difference? Should we feel privileged, or outcasts? Examining … Continue reading
OfficeOpenXMLConverter gone AWAL
404 error Ah, the joys of the new Word 2007 docx format. Had someone sent me a docx file today and needed to work out how to open it on a Mac. A quick search in Google found me the … Continue reading
Technorati: Last blog refernce 38 years ago
Have you looked at your Technorati profile recently? Just looking at it now I noticed that nobody has referenced my site for 13,796 days. That seems like a long time. A quick use of the calculator shows that that works … Continue reading
This web site begs the question, Y
The new Ian Thorpe Aquatic Centre* web site looks visually ok, and it has some general text about the Centre. But all the useful information is only contained in downloadable PDFs. Why? Aren’t web sites put up to convey information … Continue reading
100 on MySpace
My profile clocker over to 100 years and MySpace didn’t blowup. I’m a little disappointed. I was looking forward to sparks, or at least something strange displaying where the number of years should. And all you get is the following: … Continue reading
Privacy concerns with MySpace
When entering information in MySpace you are given the option to hide some things, but they break their option and show the info in other places. And it turns out that MySpace are ageist. Hide your dob? MySpace gives you … Continue reading