Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-10-16

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Get the scoop at UTS building 10 (photo)

Next to building 10 at UTS there is a big hole in the ground, getting bigger. Excavation is well underway on the site for the new Faculty of Engineering & IT building. A concrete platform has been constructed for trucks to park on as rubble is scooped into them.

Get the scoop at UTS building 10

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-10-09

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Moove has changed their branding (yet again)

Moove flavored milk has changed it’s branding again. But I don’t think it will help much. The problem with Moove is the Flavour, not the packaging.

Moove has changed their branding (again)

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What do they hope to net with that? Flying fish?

Strung across George Street, between Sydney Town Hall and Woolworths, is a colourful green and orange net. What do you suppose they are trying to catch?

Some flying fish perhaps?

No, most likely they are trying to catch the general public’s attention for the Art & About festival, on in Sydney from 23 September to 23 October 2011

What do they hope to net with that?

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Get pumped at UTS (concrete not iron)

Workers were building a platform at the site next to UTS building 10 today. Apparently it is a ledge to park trucks on while dirt is transported up to them from the excavation site.
Pumping concrete at UTS 1Pumping concrete at UTS 2
Get pumped at UTS

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What do pirate babys say? wAARRRRRRR

A friend’s recent baby prompted me to think about the sound they make.
Aren’t all newborns really just pirates in disguise?


Pirate baby

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Choose cheese with care, you may not have been dealt a full pack

Notice the 3 pack with only 2 packs in it?
Someone much have got the munchies for cheese while going round Coles.
Or it just packed up and left itself.

Careful which pack of cheese you choose

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Microsoft AutoUpdate for Mac 2.3.3 includes a time machine

Opening Word 2008 this evening I was prompted by Microsoft AutoUpdate to update itself to 2.3.3. But little did I know that the new update would include a time machine to download future updates.

AutoUpdate 2.3.3, download tomorrows updates today

An update to AutoUpdate generally means there is something else that needs updating. (Would you just update your updater just for the hell of it?)

Running the new version of AutoUpdate I was prompted to with the following dialogue box. Download Microsoft Erro 2.2.7. Oh, that’s Microsoft Error Reporting, not an error to download.

But wait a sec. Why is it downloading future updates?

How can it be downloading a 27/09/11 update today?

Must be the new Microsoft time machine updater, Download tomorrows updates today.

Reading the Office for Mac updates section of the Microsoft site I see that Microsoft Error Reporting for Mac 2.2.7 was actually released on 22 September 2011, not 27 September. So why is AutoUpdate claiming it is released tomorrow? And why does it think it is 25% bigger (2 MB vs 1.5 MB on the Microsoft site)?

Maybe I just got the special version of Microsoft AutoUpdate 2.3.3?

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Concrete chress (photo)

Concrete laid in alternating black & white, just like a big chess board. Where should I step next? Which chess piece am I?

Concrete chess

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