Oak chocolate milk in Coles Express, all that are left expires today.
Ok if you want it now, but not good for keeping.
Chocolate milk expiring soon
links for 2011-01-31
THE federal government will consider changing legislation to prevent insurers bamboozling policyholders with complicated flood clauses when it holds crisis talks with heads of industry this week.
Thousands of clubbers and pub patrons are being forced to submit to fingerprint and photographic scans to enter popular venues, seemingly unaware of the ramifications of handing over their identity.
A rival retail group to the coalition led by billionaire businessman Gerry Harvey says the big end of town's campaign against GST-free online sales has backfired.
Westfield launches an online shopping mall in an attempt to adapt to consumers moving online.
links for 2011-01-30
Air France staff appear to neglect safety in favour of commercial concerns and some pilots "systematically" ignore safety directives, experts wrote in an internal report seen by AFP on Tuesday.
Australian-Egyptians have added their voice to the growing calls for the removal of President Hosni Mubarak, amid a mounting death toll from political protests in the troubled north African nation.
Photos from the street protests in Egypt (warning: some of the images are gruesome)
Are you game to eat from those bubble packs?
I understand that the packets of meat heat sealed may have slight bubbles in them, but, it makes you wonder if there is a problem somewhere is the bubbles distort the packaging.
Was it packaged that way? Or is there something causing it to expand?
Obligatory Australia Day fireworks photos
Visited the Australia Day celebration in Enmore park today. Just in time to see the fireworks. So here are some obligatory photos. (Yes, I should have gotten a better spot, not behind the tree)
links for 2011-01-25
A summary of all the problems Vodafone are having at the moment. Network issues, customer privacy, etc.
Is pink necessary? Is there a princess phase? Or is it all just driven by commercialism?
In the olden days, journalists used to be taught to always write in the active voice. Oops. Let me say that again. In the olden days, journalism educators told their students to always write in their active voice. Whatever happened to that edict?
4 pack of beef burgers with 5 servers at Coles Supermarket
Shopping at Coles Supermarket I found the labelling on this packet interesting. The number at the top says it is a 4 pack of Angus Beef Burgers. And looking at the contents there are 4 beef paddies.
But under Nutrition Information it states there are 5 servers per package.
So, what does the fifth person get to eat?
The response I got about this from ColesOnline
@TenguTech ah…. Maybe because there’s always 1 vegetarian guest? I’d say it’s just a standard to have 1 serving=100g in the legislation
11:54 AM Jan 23rd via HootSuite in reply to TenguTech
links for 2011-01-22
JULIA Gillard's bid to censor the internet is not an "effective move", says Vint Cerf, one of the founding fathers of the internet and Google's chief web evangelist.
Dr Cerf's advice is to attack the source of a problem at the production layer, instead of focusing on the distribution layer
The US is playing online sheriff, with plans for universal internet IDs, writes Gerard Wright. Jonathan Mayer described the draft strategy, issued in June, as "long on rhetoric and short on details". Locke says a new draft will be issued in the next few months.
links for 2011-01-21
A Vodafone dealer’s staff have been caught posing as customers to cancel the customers’ original accounts in order to sign them up for new contracts with higher commissions. The staff members of Communications Direct Pty Ltd have also breached privacy by forwarding detailed customer call records outside the company.
The creator of Vodafail.com is submitting a damning 30-page document to regulator the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) and the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) today summarising accounts by 12,000 Vodafone customers of poor network coverage, customer service and complaint handling by the telco giant.
links for 2011-01-20
Whenever the U.S. Government wants to demonize a person or group in order to justify attacks on them, it follows the same playbook: it manufactures falsehoods about them, baselessly warns that they pose Grave Dangers and are severely harming our National Security, peppers all that with personality smears to render the targeted individuals repellent on a personal level, and feeds it all to the establishment American media, which then dutifully amplifies and mindlessly disseminates it all.
The Retail Coalition that is campaigning to have the Government abolish the GST exemption on purchases made overseas has an unlikely new member – domain name reseller and web hosting firm Netregistry.
Retailers are split over a campaign to force the Federal Government to impose the GST on overseas purchases online.It was supposed to be a simple pitch about keeping Australians in work, but some retailers are calling the campaign an unmitigated disaster.
Floods that swept through Australia this month have caused incredible destruction. But one man made the best of a terrible situation and filmed this eerie trip through a flooded McDonald's via canoe in Brisbane, Australia.