A visit to #Eyecon2013 (run by @SydneyRPG)

Some photos from my visit to Eyecon 2013 yesterday. The culture at RPG conventions seems to have improved since I was last at one. And they now have a session specificity for children.

I saw a sign. It said "entrance, stage right" #EyeCon2013 @sydneyrpgRole players in the hall at #EyeCon2013 yesterday 1 @sydneyrpgRole players in the hall at #EyeCon2013 yesterday 2 @sydneyrpg

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Oh, no, #PowerRangersSamurai have been raiding #Madonna’s wardrobe

In the world of children’s toys, there are some strange combinations out there.

Take for instance this Mighty Morphin Rita Repulsa figure, a villain from Power Rangers Samurai. Has she been raiding Madonna’s wardrobe? Are conical bras still in vogue? What would Jean Paul Gaultier think of this? And, more importantly, what impression does this figure give small boys on what to expect in the female figure?

Oh, no, @PowerRangersSamurai have been raiding @Madonna's wardrobe #toy

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Books on Business Modelling at UTS library are dangerous #photo

A sign around the construction site for the new UTS library warns people of the dangers of Business Modelling, and not enter these books.
Danger! Authorised entry only to Business Modelling books at the new @UTSlibrary @UTSengage #uts #sign

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Hungry escalator only leaves kids shoe at Woolworths #photo

The escalator had stopped. And stuck at the end was a small child’s shoe. The escalator must have been hungry, if all it left was a shoe.

Shoppers were inconvenienced, trudging down the busiest escalator at Woolworths Town Hall. Past this lonely kids shoe at the bottom.

Did the store employees receive counselling after this tragedy? Or is it a regular occurrence?

We shall never know, it was all ‘fixed’ the next day.

The escalator was hungry, and all it left was the kids shoe #shopping #danger

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Has the Subscriber Agreement printing run out of Steam?

Steam Subscriber AgreementJust updated Steam on my Mac, and on relaunch I get this ‘nice’ Steam Subscriber Agreement notice that I need to agree to before continuing further.

Not wanting to try reading the whole agreement in white text on a black/grey background, I thought take advantage of the Click here to print link (and turn it into a PDF). But it does nothing.

If you are going to put a way to print things, do you think it would be good to check it works?

No, I suppose, the stand use-case for testing only includes clicking the I Agree button. I mean, why would you bother checking people’s ability to understand the licence agreement?

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It’s an overhead walkway Clearance sale. Now only 3.6 million #photo

There is a clearance sale on for overhead walkways at Macquarie University.
Now only $3.6m.

It's an overhead walkway Clearance. Now only 3.6 million #sign

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I was going to try ‘self-scan’, but couldn’t find my own barcode #photo

So, all the big name supermarkets are implementing self-scan checkouts.

Is this to make checkout faster? Reduce staffing numbers? Save the supermarkets money? Or just put more load back on the customers?

A bit like ‘client side scripting’ I suppose.

Although, some checkout operators have complained about the amount of down time and the number of times they need to be fixed.

Just another way management are trying to increase the bottom line, and disenfranchising customers.

I was going to try 'self-scan', but couldn't find my barcode #shopping

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Concerned about the safety of the Red Shirts at the Apple Stores. Will they all make it through Christmas?

Looking into my local Apple Store, I noticed all the employees were wearing Red Shirts. Combined with the look and feel of the store, like something out of a Star Trek episode, I’m concerned about their safety. Will they all make it through Christmas?

Be nice to #Apple store staff. They're wearing red shirts, so might not all make it through Christmas

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It seems, @ClickFrenzy, some retailers’ websites have crapped themselves even before 7pm

An alliance of Australian retailers trying to make themselves still relevant in the online shopping world (something they have ignored for may years hoping it would die) have decided to try and emulate the US’s Cyber Monday with their effort called Click Frenzy.

Although, David Jones has decided to jump ship, opting to run its own sale.

Many articles I’ve read are wondering if the retailers’ sites are up to the task. Will they survive an onslaught of Australian shoppers? Or will they all just grind to a halt?

And, more importantly, will Australian shoppers actually turn up?

Well, it seems, at last some retailer’s online store can’t even make it that far. I was having a quick browse of the retailers listed. The Priceline Pharmacy site is really slow, sometimes timing out, and  the Bras N Things site has already crapped itself.

But the people at the General Pants site aren’t worried, they’re too drugged out to worry about this sort of problem.

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Cthulhu was here? #photo

Looking down into my bowl of noodles at a restaurant in China Town tonight, I couldn’t help but imagine a bowl of yellow and green tentacles. They tasted very good, but, was the place visited by an Elder God before I turned up?

#Cthulhu was here #food

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