Tag Archives: China
(Cardboard) Tank outside #QVB, #Sydney for the anniversary of #TiananmenSquare
A (Cardboard) Tank outside the Queen Victoria Building, Sydney for the anniversary of Tiananmen Square. See tank-8964-1
Government vs Internet
Unless you have been living under a rock, or have no internet connection, you will know that the Australian government is proposing to censor the internet in Austrlia. The recent events in Iran, and people’s use of twitter, show how … Continue reading
Mattel recalls more toys in Chinese lead paint alert
THOUSANDS more toys are being pulled from Australian shelves as an international investigation delves deeper into China’s disgraced manufacturing industry. In a recorded statement, Mattel’s Australian marketing director, Julie Kearns, said the company had been testing toys since the paint … Continue reading
Dora the lead paint explorer
Dora is recalled from exploring. Sesame Street is no longer giggling. Barney is facing extinction. Mattel is recalling 83 models of Fisher-Price toys. In Australian the product recall is estimated at 43,000 and in the USA at nearly 1,000,000. An … Continue reading