Tag Archives: sign
It’s open outside now (photo)
On leaving the restaurant tonight I noticed the sign saying outside was open now, so we could return home. 🙂
Shop online, avoid security cameras
A sign on Marcs at the Queen Victoria Building, suggesting you shop online to avoid surveillance cameras. Or am I misinterpreting the combination of signs?
Warning: Demolition work in progress
Outside UTS it appears that someone got carried away and started demolition on the wall. Shows there is truth in the sign attached.
Caution: Road Walk Ahead (photo)
In Broadway this afternoon there were signs directing people around the city because of a parade. Must be the Chinese New Year Twilight parade.
Are you pushing the right buttons at Woolworths?
On the ground floor of Woolworths in Sydney CBD the lift buttons are faulty. Only the up button works. If you want to go down, and press the down button, you will be waiting a long time. It appears that … Continue reading
Woolworths renovates its signs
Woolworths at Town Hall is renovating the interior. Some things have moved around, and other areas have been blocked up while under constructions. Even the signs are a work in progress. I was wondering, can you change the inside of … Continue reading
These are not the doors you are looking for (photo)
All the doors on the second carriage of my train this morning were taped up with “Door out of order please use another door” stickers. And the inter carriage doors disabled. I suppose the carriage was having problems, but it … Continue reading
More signage for drunks
This signage for drunks is getting so passé. Seen it before. But I suppose these vandals think they are being original.
Don’t feed the birds, avoid water hazards (photo)
Signs in Strathfield telling the public to refrain from feeding the pigeons to avoid creating water hazards. Of course, that might not be exactly what they meant when putting up the signs.
But the sign said, signal bus driver
Misinterpretation of the bus stop sign?