Tag Archives: Yahoo
links for 2011-04-28
Facebook investors heading for the exits as value hits $70bn A group of Facebook shareholders is seeking to offload $US1 billion worth of shares on the secondary market, a sale that would value the company at more than $US70 billion, … Continue reading
links for 2011-03-22
Robot Suits Transform Humans Into Super Strong Cyborgs | Fast Company Cyberdine has just shown the next iteration of its HAL robots–strap-on exoskeletons that boost the user's strength with electric motors. Could they be used after the next large-scale disaster? … Continue reading
Moved blog to new url…
Just moved my blog to a new domain, Leefe.RatesTheWorld.com.au. I think this will work better in the long run, but is a pain in the short run. All the things you have to do when moving sites. You have to … Continue reading