Warren Buffett thinks that the USA's leaders are asking the poor and middle class to make a 'shared sacrifice' but not the mega-rich, who he believes are not paying enough tax.
Dan Lyons' assertion that Google just pushed the price of the Nortel patents up for Apple & Microsoft when it intention was always to acquire part of Motorola.
links for 2011-08-17
iTunes Wild Wild West in German? This is Australia not Austria!
Browsing the Australian iTunes store I came across Wild Wild West. But that Plot Summary is not in English.
It appears that Apple has confused us with Austria (perhaps). Unfortunately my German isn’t good enough to read the summary or listen to the Trailer. Although it is funny to watch Will Smith and Kevin Klien dubbed into German.
Reading the reviews, it appears that it was the correct language in January, although all reviews from July warn of the language error. So something to avoid.
I wonder if having the wrong version of the movie available in iTunes Store causes licensing issues?
(Don’t believe me about the error? Have a look here.)
links for 2011-08-07
Australia’s national security is at risk, according to the Director-General of ASIO – the Australian National Intelligence Organisation – partly because of “rampant use of the Internetâ€.
THERE are strong in-principle grounds to apply the GST and other taxes to overseas internet purchases worth $1000 and less, says the nation's peak economic advisory body. But it would be expensive to do immediately, would take some years to implement effectively, and have only a minor effect in reversing the alarming decline in domestic retail sales.
Bricks and mortar retailers, who pushed for the removal of the GST free threshold on internet purchases, will not be pleased by the Productivity Commission's report stating that it is uneconomic to do so.
Ok, now that the cat is out of the bag, I agree that this study was a total hoax. There is no company called AptiQuant, and no such survey was ever done. We are really surprised that it took so long for people to figure it out, a mere “whois†on the domain could have revealed it all
NSW has fallen victim to the two-speed economy, suffering a collapse in retail sales in a year in which the rest of Australia inched ahead. Retail figures published yesterday show Australian sales rose a meagre 2.6 per cent during 2010-11 – the worst result for half a century, since the 1961-62 recession.
Remember the recent study from a Canadian company showed users with lower than average IQs are more likely to use Internet Explorer than other browsers? It might be a (very elaborate) hoax.
Apple escalated a patent dispute against Samsung Electronics and won an agreement that the South Korean company won’t sell the newest version of its tablet computer in Australia until a lawsuit is resolved.
There are suggestion from NSW cabinet documents that ERG's T-card was dumped because potential bad PR if people forgot to "tag off" and are charged the maximum fare.
In this powerful talk from TEDGlobal, Rebecca MacKinnon describes the expanding struggle for freedom and control in cyberspace, and asks: How do we design the next phase of the Internet with accountability and freedom at its core, rather than control? She believes the internet is headed for a "Magna Carta" moment when citizens around the world demand that their governments protect free speech and their right to connection.
What do you use for baby showers? | Leefe rates the world… A friend had a baby show today, and I was supposed to send advice.
What do you use for baby showers?
A friend had a baby show today, and I was supposed to send advice. Feeling I had already made some suggestions I drew this as a bit of comedic relief.
links for 2011-08-02
Grandmother in Tokyo buys her own dosimeter and shows that the government has not been telling the truth about radiation levels.
In the movies it seems the numbers change
Earlier this month I wrote about TotalFilm’s top 50 Science Fiction films and who the top SciFi actors and directors were. Well it appears I made a mistake and forgot that Sigourney Weaver also appeared in Avatar.
So, she now has 3 movies in the top 50 and moves from the bottom up the list to actor number 3.
Actor | # Movies |
Arnold Schwarzenegger | 4 |
Harrison Ford | 3 |
Sigourney Weaver | 3 |
Jeff Goldblum | 3 |
Mark Hamill | 2 |
Carrie Fisher | 2 |
Note: I’m using film order in the top 50 as the weighting to sort actors with the same number of appearances.
links for 2011-07-23
Today, in its infinite wisdom, Software Update decided that I needed to install 2 copies of iTumes 10.4. Now, while I understand that Software Update must have
With all the rain at the moment in Sydney, I'm sure the parking police need a new uniform. When do you think they will be handed out wetsuits and flippers?
New Sydney parking police uniform
With all the rain at the moment in Sydney, I’m sure the parking police need a new uniform. When do you think they will be handed out wetsuits and flippers?
Software Update asks me to install 2 copies of iTunes 10.4
Today, in its infinite wisdom, Software Update decided that I needed to install 2 copies of iTumes 10.4. Now, while I understand that Software Update must have been very excited about the release of Mac OS X 10.7 Lion, I think I’ll let it cool down for a bit before choosing which iTunes update I should install.
(Both versions listed have the same description “iTunes 10.4 now designed for OS X Lion”.)
links for 2011-07-20
Today has been a very wet day in Sydney. This morning you almost needed a bathysphere to go outside. This afternoon, as the masses tried to leave the city,
Calci Yum flavoured milk is now on special at Woolworths. You now get a 4 pack of 250 ml bottles in chocolate of strawberry for only $5.99, great at $23.96