Today has been a very wet day in Sydney. This morning you almost needed a bathysphere to go outside. This afternoon, as the masses tried to leave the city, queues of wet people cramed onto buses.
Calci Yum 4x250mL for $5.99, now $23.96 a Litre at Woolworths
Calci Yum flavoured milk is now on special at Woolworths.
You now get a 4 pack of 250 ml bottles in chocolate of strawberry for only $5.99, great at $23.96 per Litre.
Wait a sec. I think there is a multiplication problem here. 😕
NB. In Australia, supermarkets now display unit prices on price tags so you can more easily compare different brands and package sizes of products.
Edit 2011.10.13:
If you want to know how unit pricing should work, have a read of the ACCC site or the legislation.
- Unit Pricing Code (ACCC)
- Introducing Unit Pricing (ACCC)
- Unit Pricing (Easy comparison of grocery prices) Bill 2008 (Australian Senate)
links for 2011-07-13
Pirate Party Australia is opposed to the Australian Federation Against Copyright Theft’s (AFACT) latest offensive against Australian internet users[1]. They have demanded that ISPs attend ‘voluntary talks’ to implement a graduated response regime (commonly known as 3 Strikes) before the conclusion of the iiNet trial or face “unspecified legal action”.
Ah, the sighs they put up near fire extinguishers. Though I suppose this one is correct. Don’t catch fire as we don’t have an extinguisher to put you out.
Going through a collection of old things in my parents garage I found these 2 PC expansion cards (which I guess are ISA). Look how many chips they have, and the
The Australian Law Reform Commission wants input for its review of media classification. You have until Friday 15 July 2011 to submit your opinions. Do it now.
No Smoking! The fire extinguisher is missing!
Ah, the sighs they put up near fire extinguishers. Though I suppose this one is correct. Don’t catch fire as we don’t have an extinguisher to put you out.
links for 2011-07-12
INTERNET REGISTRY Versign has said that it “takes the appropriate actions” when handed a court order after the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency (ICE) claimed it had jurisfiction over all web sites that use the .com and .net top level domains (TLD).
Low tech high tech, or just old tech
Going through a collection of old things in my parents garage I found these 2 PC expansion cards (which I guess are ISA). Look how many chips they have, and the huge head sinks. And yet, I think they are just serial cards based on the ports attached to them. Hasn’t PC hardware shrunk over the years?
Top SciFi movies listed, but who are the top SciFi actors and directors?
The results are in for TotalFilm’s top 50 Science Fiction films. With a deserved, but it seems from the comment, controversial first for Blade Runner.
(You can find the SMH write up on the list here.)
While others might pick apart why the different films have made it to the top list, I am interested in some of the other statistics about the movies.
Who are the top lead actors in SciFi films? And who are the top directors?
For my analysis I have only considered lead actors or directs with 2 or more top 50 movies under their belt to be common. And I have ordered people with the same number by the order their movies appear in the list.
In the top 50 movies there are 6 common lead actors, with a total of 12 movies between them.
Actor | # Movies |
Arnold Schwarzenegger | 4 |
Harrison Ford | 3 |
Sigourney Weaver | 3 |
Jeff Goldblum | 3 |
Mark Hamill | 2 |
Carrie Fisher | 2 |
While there are only 2 more directors, for a total of 8, they account for nearly half the list, 22. Which makes sense as people favour styles that the director produces.
Director | # Movies |
Steven Spielberg | 5 |
James Cameron | 4 |
Paul Verhoeven | 3 |
Ridley Scott | 2 |
Stanley Kubrick | 2 |
George Lucas | 2 |
John Carpenter | 2 |
Terry Gilliam | 2 |
The top 50 provides an interesting selection of movies, and it was nice to see Akira make the list. Thought I question some of the additions.
Being a SciFi fan I have wondered how you could make the ultimate film. Who do you put in it and with what direction? Do you think the above 6 actors would work together? And should you get Spielberg or Cameron to direct them?
Note: I’m using film order in the top 50 as the weighting to sort actors/directors with the same number of appearances.
Edit (2011.7.27): I forgot Sigourney Weaver was in Avatar (oops), so updated the actor listing.
links for 2011-07-05
Wikileaks' parody of MasterCard Commercial.
links for 2011-06-30
The USA state of Vermont has decided to single-player health care as a cost saving measure. It had Harvard conduct a study which found that free health care will save the state 24.3% a year.
Received an SMS purportedly from Vodafone today. Upcoming correction to data charges from 08.07.11 may affect your service. Please head to:
VodafoneAU – Don’t URL me, I’ll URL you (
Received an SMS purportedly from Vodafone today.
Upcoming correction to data charges from 08.07.11 may affect your service. Please head to: for more information
Following the link you end up at the page and a 404 error message.
So they are going to change the way they charge for data, but don’t really want to tell you what they are changing it to? And why do I get a Three URL?
Doing a whois of the domain I see that it was registered to Vodafone Hutchison Australia Pty Limited in March 2011. So probably is legit.
I can see that this domain is running Yourls, the open source URL shortener. And, interetingly, looking at the admin URL I see that it is called Brody’s cuddly URL shortener.
So, who is the afore mentioned Brody? And, thought I think their bear is kinda cute, is this really what you might expect on a corporate site?
Can a VHA person please explain what this message is about, and fix your URLs.
Notes about this from other people:
- What R U Up 2? (Geordie Guy, 2011.06.29)
- Simply breathtaking new development (Vodafone forum)
- Upcoming correction to charges from 08.07.11?? (Vodafone forum)
- Data usage (The url it is probably meant to redirect to)
- Changes to data charging (Discussion on Whirlpool about the change)
- Vodafone Glitch Made BitTorrent, VoIP Data Free (Gizmodo, 2011.06.28)