New dumpling fish, or testing iPhone twitter

New dumpling fishTesting out iPhone Apps for taking pictures, uploading them somewhere, and posting a link to twitter.

Camera+ uploads to flicker (see photo on the right). But if you want to post to twitter it uses its own photo site.

Which is a pain because it removes control of the photo from the uploader. And there is no way to check view stats without incrementing them yourself.

Would be better if it utilised the photo uploaded to flickr in your tweet.

Looks like I will have to explore other photo upload options.

And for those that wanted to know the point of the photo: there is a new fish tank in the window of the Broadway dumpling shop. I needed something to test with.

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links for 2011-01-19

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links for 2011-01-18

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links for 2011-01-17

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Bored at Bondi Junction (Apple Store)

An employee or security sitting bored the Apple Store in Bondi Junction.

It is about 8pm. So are they closing up, or waiting for something else?

Bored at Bondi Junction

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Vodafone Billing options don’t give you enough digits

This is more a complaint about bad web design than Vodafone itself.

I was looking in the MyVodafone site. Needed to check billing info. And noticed this silly error on the Billing options page.

As you can see from the screenshot, the Notify me when bill is ready option is pre-filled with 614. But if you fill out the text box with number, the last digit will not fit.

The problem is that the text box is set to only allow 10 characters/digits. The html says maxlength=”10″.

This would be alright if you entered you number as ’04’. But putting ‘614’ add an extra digit. So a 11 digit number does not fit in a 10 digit space.

The person(s) responsible for designing the Vodafone site should really have thought of this.

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iTunes tells me 1 app update available, but which one?

I recently inherited an iPhone 3G from my sister. It works ok, for my first iPhone. And I am just experimenting with what you can do with it and what is worth putting on it.

At which point I encounter my first silly user interface feature of iTunes 10.

iTunes displays a 1 next to Apps. A mouse over sells me that means there is 1 app update available.

But which one?

If I look at my list of Apps in iTunes, none of them seem to be marked any different that the others. There is no indication which one has an update available.

How are you supposed to check which one needs updating?
The only mention of update in a menu check if iTunes needs updating.

Right clicking on the Apps only gives you the option to: Get Info, Show in Finder, or Delete
(Get Info tells you nothing about updates.)

So, what is the simple way to find out what needs updating and download updates? I really don’t want to have to go and find each App in the iTunes store again and check the version numbers. Surely there is a better way than this?

Edit 19.01.2011:
Solved my own problem. Down the right hand corner of the iTunes Apps window is a 1 Update Available link, which takes you to a iTunes store page listing the update(s) available.

So there is something that will tell you which App needs updating, it just isn’t very obvious.

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links for 2011-01-11

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Vodafone Data Addon 500MB $9.95, 1GB $9.95

Looking at the Vodafone site I noticed that there are some strange combination of pricing.

Take for example the Plan Add Ons page.

Here you can see that, when you get to the 12 month contract data addon sets, you can pay $9.95 for 500MB per month. Or the same $9.95 for 1GB per month.
(Click the Terms & Conditions link under one of the data add ons.)

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links for 2011-01-10

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