Tag Archives: drawing
Geeks For Dinner ? (cartoon)
Feeling a bit peckish? How about geeks for dinner?
Psychiatrist to the lightbulb (cartoon)
Cartoon along the lines of the how many psychiatrists does it take to change a light bulb joke, with a Freudian addition. Q. How many psychiatrists does it take to change a light bulb? A. One–but the light bulb has … Continue reading
What do pirate babys say? wAARRRRRRR
A friend’s recent baby prompted me to think about the sound they make. Aren’t all newborns really just pirates in disguise? wAARRRRRRRrrrrrrrr….
What do you use for baby showers?
A friend had a baby show today, and I was supposed to send advice. Feeling I had already made some suggestions I drew this as a bit of comedic relief.
Hyde your Easter Egg (cartoon)
Perhaps not what you are supposed to do to your children’s Easter eggs. Or something for the big kids. (backposted because I didn’t get a chance to post it at the time)
He had an outbreak of tornadoes
“He had an out break of tornadoes” Drawn in response to a tweet by SBS news “The number of twisters from US tornado outbreak may be a record setter“, which makes the tornadoes sound like an infectious disease. Quick, send … Continue reading
Renai’s genie, In a black bikini
Always be careful what you wish for. Yesterday Renai LeMay was tweeting about the amount of polishing required for an ebook. I suggested he be careful of bring forth genies from all his polishing. To which he requested one in … Continue reading
Militant greeny’s message for Earth Hour
Are you turning you lights off between 8:30pm and 9:30pm for Earth Hour? “Turn it off for Earth Hour, or we’ll put your lights out!”
Is this the chick you are looking for?
Smaller people in my house were drawing their own chicks, so I thought I would join in.