Tag Archives: Internet

links for 2011-04-13

Google Clarifies URL Shortening’s Impact on SEO | Search Engine Journal As social search has become more important, so has understanding how SEO works for shared links. In a new Google Webmaster Help video, Google’s Matt Cutts explains exactly how … Continue reading

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links for 2011-04-09

Franchisees face legal battle | Angus & Robertson | Borders | REDgroup The administrators to the collapsed REDgroup Retail announced this afternoon that they have initiated court proceedings against the breakaway Angus & Robertson franchisee group that this week purported … Continue reading

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links for 2011-04-06

Czech Constitutional Court Kills Data Retention – Falkvinge on Infopolicy In a verdict today, the Czech Constitutional Court killed the Czech implementation of the detested Data Retention Directive. Ubiquitous surveillance of every human being is not compatible with fundamental rights. … Continue reading

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links for 2011-04-03

Coping with a low-bit future. Report by Public Knowledge about the bleak future when all the bandwidth runs out. Look forward to 'Peak Bandwidth'. (A parody) (tags: bandwidth PeakBandwidth internet AT&T ISP broadband AprilFools humour PublicKnowledge JohnBergmayer) Report: ‘Peak Bandwidth’ … Continue reading

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links for 2011-03-22

Robot Suits Transform Humans Into Super Strong Cyborgs | Fast Company Cyberdine has just shown the next iteration of its HAL robots–strap-on exoskeletons that boost the user's strength with electric motors. Could they be used after the next large-scale disaster? … Continue reading

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links for 2011-03-12

Anonymous emails show cyber weapons of corporate America | Crikey Some time back I suggested the online “group” Anonymous was worth keeping an eye on. This suggestion was subsequently vindicated by the remarkable HB Gary saga involving cyber security consultant … Continue reading

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links for 2010-05-07

Facebook Privacy Complaints The Electronic Privacy Information Centre said Thursday it had joined 14 other organisations in filing a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission charging the social networking website with “unfair and deceptive” practices. (tags: Facebook privacy FTC ABC … Continue reading

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I love the smell of filters in the morning

The current attitude by the Australian government about the Internet filter is a worry. A self righteous disdain for anybody else’s opinion. Or the collateral damage that they will cause. Reminds me of the Lieutenant Colonel from Apocalypse Now, who … Continue reading

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Somebody think of the children, Rudd & Conroy

In the current debate Rudd and Conroy seem to just keep churning out the same statements about the internet filters, despite what anybody says. Childish really.

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Oh, my, what big filters you have Grandma Conroy

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