Monthly Archives: June 2009
Australia only 3rd most mono lingual
A recent SMH article[1] says that Australia is the 3rd most mono lingual country in the world. According to a report[4] by Griffith Asia Institute we come almost last on the list of the language proficient. With over three quarters, … Continue reading
Choose, 100g or 200g for $3?
In the chocolate aisle at Coles the other day I noticed a paradox in pricing. The 100g blocks of Cadbury chocolate are $2.99. And the 200g blocks are on special at 2 for $6. So would you rather spend $3 … Continue reading
chk chk boom
Inspired by the recent Sydney meme, here is today’s cartoon.
Welcome to Melbourne – Biohazard Zone
SBS reports that Melbourne has been declared ‘swine flu capital of the world‘. With 874 reported cases of H1N1, Melbourne has twice the prevelance of Mexico. That is a swine flue cases at 1 to 9,139 in Victoria, and at … Continue reading
Feeling squashed on the train?
Do you catch the train at peek hour in Sydney and feel a little squashed? An article in the SMH on Monday stated that 73.6 percent of trains were overloaded, some with up to 145% capacity usage! Of course 100% … Continue reading
1001 1.0.17
1001 The flickr upload software for MacOS X, 1001, has been updated to version 1.0.17. This release seems to fix the problems that I recently started to experience with 1.0.15: No sets were being listed, and Photos were not being … Continue reading