Tag Archives: Google

links for 2011-04-27

Facebook’s complicated ownership history explained The long tale about who owns what bit of Facebook. (tags: Facebook ownership PaulCeglia EduardoSaverin TylerandCameronWinlevoss DivyaNarendra MarkZuckerberg DustinMoskovitz SeanParker PayPal PeterThiel TheSocialNetwork HarvardConnection ConnectU QuinnEmanuel i2hub WayneChang SMH Mashable) Hundreds of tweaks show Google … Continue reading

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links for 2011-04-17

ORG Zine | The copyright battle in Australia There’s little sign that the global copyright war will let up any time soon. Wherever you go, the content industries are working hard to secure stronger “protections” for intellectual property and tougher … Continue reading

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links for 2011-04-13

Google Clarifies URL Shortening’s Impact on SEO | Search Engine Journal As social search has become more important, so has understanding how SEO works for shared links. In a new Google Webmaster Help video, Google’s Matt Cutts explains exactly how … Continue reading

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This search engine may harm your browsing

Well it looks like Google is fubar. Every search result has a This site may harm your computer. link under it. And they all link to a Warning – visiting this web site may harm your computer! page. All that … Continue reading

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Moved blog to new url…

Just moved my blog to a new domain, Leefe.RatesTheWorld.com.au. I think this will work better in the long run, but is a pain in the short run. All the things you have to do when moving sites. You have to … Continue reading

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Where is your Australian Passport advice?

Looking up information about Australian passports the other day I noticed the following sponsored link. The URL listed looked wrong to me. Australia doesn’t allow domains straight on the ‘.au’, only as second level domains. There is no www.AustralianPassportAdvice.au. But … Continue reading

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Having trouble with your Google PR?

There have been a number of articles recently written about Google changing their Page Rank (PR) algorithm. And as a result everybody’s page rank has gone down. Well, you can’t have everybody’s Page Rank go down. I’m pretty sure that … Continue reading

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404 blogs not found or blogs are not scholarly

Trying to look up stuff on Google for uni I found an internal link with a 404 page. If you are in Google Scholar , have searched for something and then go to the more page you will find that … Continue reading

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Google gobble and domains are flushed down utube

Articles of interest about Google buying YouTube. The lawsuits expected. And the problems it has caused the holder of a similar domain, utube.com. Articles: Google hedges against YouTube lawsuits (SMH, 16 Nov 2006) Policeman’s YouTube email goes to utube (SMH, … Continue reading

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