Category Archives: Blog
Trending Topics Mash (20091116)
Have not done a Trending Topics Mash for a while. So her is one today I Have Never Used New Moon in Modern Warfare 2 on Dravid, Although #theresway2many #wherethehellyoubeen for #musicmonday Goodnight #TTMash (permalink, image)
So much for one post a day
Had intended to do one post a day for October. Some social commentary, of a picture commenting on things I saw. It worked for half a month, but October just happens to be at the wrong time of year. Too … Continue reading
The worst thing about moving is…
…lack of connection. And while they both are important, I am not just talking about the Internet or phone here. I moved back to Sydney a couple of weeks ago. Most stuff is still in boxes. Though we finally have … Continue reading
Post from Japan
No posts here for most of a month. But had no time to post anything. Too much time spent on relocation. To Japan that is. Japan is interesting, but moving is a lot of work in the first few days … Continue reading
England reclaims America
Do you find programs with English dictionaries where all the spelling is actually in U.S. English annoying? Or that a ‘World series’ doesn’t include people outside America? I found a funny take on this in John Cleese’s “Letter to Americaâ€. … Continue reading
Moved blog to new url…
Just moved my blog to a new domain, I think this will work better in the long run, but is a pain in the short run. All the things you have to do when moving sites. You have to … Continue reading
Vote for… oops that was last weekend
I noticed this funny advertisement on the web today. (Actually on my own blog) Looks like an ad for a candidate in the Australian Federal Election. But whats so funny about it? Well, the election was last weekend and I’m … Continue reading
Having trouble with your Google PR?
There have been a number of articles recently written about Google changing their Page Rank (PR) algorithm. And as a result everybody’s page rank has gone down. Well, you can’t have everybody’s Page Rank go down. I’m pretty sure that … Continue reading
Japanese anti-grope phone application
In Japan there is a problem of women being groped by on trains. As a way to combat this an anti-grope application was written for mobile phones games developer Takahashi. Released back in 2005, but only recently becoming popular, the … Continue reading
404 blogs not found or blogs are not scholarly
Trying to look up stuff on Google for uni I found an internal link with a 404 page. If you are in Google Scholar , have searched for something and then go to the more page you will find that … Continue reading