Monthly Archives: June 2009
How do you count to Windows 7?
If the next version of Windows is version 7, how do you get to that number? The last version of Windows with an advertised version number was Windows 3.1.1. So there must be 3 different version of windows in the … Continue reading
Friday 27.6.09
I think there is something wrong with this sign on the Lifeguard tower at Bondi beach. It displays a series of messages: weather; low and hi tides; and the current day and date. Though, the day and date don’t seem … Continue reading
Not your everyday rewards
While shopping in Balmain Woolworths on Monday I found that pieces of bright orange cake were getting pushed in the direction of customers. Initially I thought that would be a fruit cake, but it turned out to be a sponge … Continue reading
procrastinate \ pro·cras·ti·nate \ verb: ( remember to finish this section tomorrow )
Very fast food
Q: What do you call a fast food joint that fills you order before you finish giving it. A: Mach Donalds
Government vs Internet
Unless you have been living under a rock, or have no internet connection, you will know that the Australian government is proposing to censor the internet in Austrlia. The recent events in Iran, and people’s use of twitter, show how … Continue reading
No longer the news
Once News Plus, now minus news. It seems the news agent in the food court under Myer in the Sydney CDB has gone. Replaced by a Angus & Robertson book sale. As an interesting aside, the food court is covered … Continue reading
Not too young for deodorant?
How young is too young for girls to use deodorant? In a supermarket the other day I noticed these ‘perfumed body spray’s, right next adult deodorant. Obviously they are aimed at young girls via the Bratz brand. Do young girls … Continue reading
Bus and car meet on George and Liverpool
On the corner of George and Liverpool streets this afternoon I noticed this altercation between a tour bus and a car. The bus driver was trying to get the car to reverse away. Looks like the bus tried to turn … Continue reading
StarCraft2 Beta & StarCraft on Intel Macs
Recently read on a tweet that Blizzard are looking for people to Beta test StarCraft 2. Seems nice. You have to login to Battle.Net, and tick an ‘opt me into beta testing’ box. But I can’t seem to remember what … Continue reading